Tag Archives: OSU

Sweet September

Here is a quick update on my RA since I have moved…

August 3rd-8th(ish), I experienced swelling in my knees due to drinking pop-that is what my previous post discusses.  I have not had any problems with my knees since then!  Other than an accidental sip of sprite-cause I thought it was water, I have not had any pop.

Over labor day weekend, for whatever reason my right pointer finger started to ache and the knuckle became swollen.  That pain lasted for about five days, but it has reverted back to a painless, non-swollen finger…thank goodness!  I am not exactly sure the reason for this most reason flare up, though thankfully it wasn’t throughout my whole body, and just in my finger.  I am assuming it was due to eating A LOT of unhealthy food over that weekend.

Tomorrow starts another week, and I am hoping and praying for minimal pain!  The weather is starting to cool off to about 75 degrees, which is when I feel most comfortable, and I think my RA is at its best during this type of weather.

Switching topics!  On Friday, while I was just finishing up nannying for the week, I was blessed with two tickets that had VERY good seats to the OSU game that was played on Saturday.  The family I nanny for was able to get box seating, so they graciously offered me their seats!  Matt and I went and had SUCH a great time!!   The Bucks won and the weather was perfect.

Nannying is going well, and I am certainly learning SO much about what it means to care for children and cater to their every need.  I’ve had several tough, mentally draining days, but I remind myself that each day is a new start!  I pray for patience often and the ability to love on them no matter what!  God has definitely allowed me to already gain experience for the future when I have children of my own.

Until next time, enjoy the fall weather!  Open your windows and let the fresh breeze in!


Posted by on September 9, 2012 in My battle with RA


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